
孙一钿 Sun Yitian|入围 K11 Artist Prize & K11香港展览“卧游无界” @K11, HK


孙一钿 Sun Yitian‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

·K11 Artist Prize 入围艺术家 

 Finalist Artists of K11 Artist Prize


 Boundless Reverie: Chinese Savoir-Faire and Contemporary Art 


香港K11 MUSEA 6层 
6F Kunsthalle, K11 Art & Cultural Centre, K11 MUSEA

BANK荣幸宣布孙一钿提名K11 Artist Prize入围艺术家。

由K11 Art Foundation International Council组成的评审顾问小组与K11 Art Foundation团队早前从1,000多名申请者当中,选出了八位入围该奖项的艺术家,他们是:韩梦云、Greg Ito、Yeonsu Ju、Melissa Ling、刘昕、Shota Nakamura、孙一钿及Alexandre Zhu。八位艺术家来自不同背景,各展示独特的创作风格,不但反映自身的文化经验以及与亚洲传统的深厚联系,亦在当代艺术界具有很大潜力。⁠ 

与此同时,展览“卧游无界:中国工艺与当代艺术”于3月25日在香港K11 MUSEA开幕,孙一钿的双联画《煌煌》与雕塑《肯》亮相展览。“肯”的头像作为艺术家创作中的典型标识之一,既反映了她成长的背景——经济腾飞时代的流水线与小商品经济,其平滑完美的样子亦让人联想起社交媒体上那些美丽的自拍。

BANK is pleased to announce that artist Sun Yitian has been nominated for the K11 Artist Prize

Shortlisted by the judging panel of the K11 Art Foundation, the eight finalists of Asian artists are: Han Mengyun, Greg Ito, Yeonsu Ju, Melissa Ling, Xin Liu, Shota Nakamura, Sun Yitian and Alexandre Zhu. Coming from diverse backgrounds, the artists each demonstrate a distinct style that reflects their cultural experience and deep connection with Asian heritage, as well as an incredible potential in contemporary art. 

Meanwhile, the exhibition Boundless Reverie: Chinese Savoir-Faire and Contemporary Art opened on March 25th at K11 MUSEA in Hong Kong, featuring Sun Yitian's diptych Double Brightness and sculpture Ken. As one of the typical symbols of the artist's creations, the head of "Ken" not only reflects the background of her upbringing - the assembly line and small commodity economy in the era of reform and open-up, but also its smooth and perfect appearance is reminiscent of those beautiful selfies on social media.


Installation View


Courtesy of the K11 Art Foundation‍‍‍‍


Exhibited Works

孙一钿 Sun Yitian

肯 Ken

透明树脂、不锈钢 Transparent resin, stainless steel

130cm x 130cm x 164cm


孙一钿 Sun Yitian

煌煌 Double Brightness

布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas

230 x 180 cm x 2


🛫BANK 展览现场 Installation view | 孙一钿《在黄昏时起飞》

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

摄影 © Andrea Rossetti

孙一钿曾入选2023福布斯中国当代青年艺术家榜单和2019年亚洲福布斯30岁以下杰出青年,荣获WSJ中文版2022-2023“年度出色创作者”以及罗博之选The Best of Best 2022“年度青年艺术家”奖项。作品曾在BANK画廊、 施博尔画廊(柏林)、香港 Mine Projects、阿尔敏·莱希(上海) 、柏林狮子行宫、巴黎莎玛丽丹、澳门艺术博物馆、UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心、伦敦弗里兹艺博会和巴黎国际当代艺术博览会等国内外各大机构展出。作品已被纳入国内外各大机构的收藏,包括霍特家族收藏,纽约;白兔美术馆,悉尼;福尔林登美术馆,瓦塞纳尔;天目里美术馆,杭州;Longlati基金会,上海;木木美术馆,北京;余德耀美术馆,上海;四方当代美术馆,南京;龙美术馆,上海等。
近期参加的展览包括:“跨界:可能与回响”,余德耀美术馆,上海,2023;“流光”,四方当代美术馆,南京,2023;“年年:动物的能与术”,德基美术馆,南京,2023;“无尽的交谈”—2022首届北京艺术双年展“共生”,国家对外文化贸易基地,北京,2022;“22年夏”(Summer '22),施博尔画廊,柏林,2022;“集光片羽”,UCCA Edge,上海,2022;“艺术的语言,艺术家的游戏”,OCAT深圳馆,深圳,2022;“断裂的一代”,松美术馆,北京,2022。

Sun Yitian (b.1991, Zhejiang, China) graduated from the Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (CAFA) in 2015 and earned her Master Degree in 2018. She is now completing her doctorate of Literature at the School of Humanities at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Her practice, which spans painting, installation, performance, and fashion, employs material objects as metaphors of labor and production to reveal the inner mechanisms of our consumer society. Sun's often photo-realist works examines the secret, increasingly tenuous connection between seduction and fear as well as the sculptural ‘thingness’ of her subjects.

Sun was selected for the Influential 2023: Forbes China Contemporary Young Artists and Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Class of 2019, and received the WSJ China’s ON THE FIELD Creator of the Year Award and “BOB Best of the Best” 2022 Young Artist Award. Her works have been exhibited at BANK Gallery, Esther Schipper, Mine Projects, Almine Rech, Paris and major organizations such as the Lion Palace, Berlin; Samaritaine, Paris; Macao Museum of Art; UCCA Edge, Shanghai, as well as Frieze London and FIAC. Her work is held in the following collections: Hort Family Collection, New York; White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney; Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar; By Art Matters, Hangzhou; Longlati Foundation, Shanghai; M WOODS, Beijing; Yuz Museum, Shanghai; Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing and Long Museum, Shanghai, etc.

Recent exhibitions include Bordercrossing: Possibilities and Interactions, Yuz Museum, Shanghai (2023); Projection, Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing (2023); Nián Nián :The Power and Agency of Animal Forms, Deji Art Museum, Nanjing (2023); The Infinite Conversation: 2022 Beijing Biennial “Symbiosis”, National Base for International Cultural Trade, Beijing (2022); Summer ‘22, Esther Schipper, Berlin (2022); The Pieces I Am, Shanghai, UCCA Edge (2022); Art’s Language, Artists’ Game, OCAT Shenzhen, Shenzhen (2022); The Disconnected Generation, Song Art Museum, Beijing (2022).

 - 正在展出 On View - 

白乂乂:游离的彗星Bai Yiyi: Comet Drifting Away 
展览时间/Duration: 2024.03.23-2024.04.27
地点/Address:上海市安福路298弄2号楼底楼 No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

奇科·达·西尔瓦:亚马逊传奇Chico da Silva: Amazônian Legend 
展览时间/Duration: 2024.03.23-2024.04.27
地点/Address:上海市安福路298弄2号楼底楼 金库空间 The Vault No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

👇点击进入“金库”商店 Click to access "THE VAULT" store


